Sabado, Mayo 9, 2015

Philippine Cockatoo

Philippine Cockatoo (Cacatua haematuropygia) is usually inhabiting in a lowland, riverine and mangrove forest. It has a slight trace of colors yellow and pink on its cheeks,reddish orange on the lower potion of its tail and yellow on its underwing.The female bird possesses blood red eyes while the male one has males has dark brown eyes. This bird is undeniably an attractive and a beautiful one.It somehow transfers from one place to another in search of food. Thus, its stay on a certain place depends on the availability and abundance of resources. This kind of bird eats crops and easily adapts to the environment.Trading is one of the major reasons of the decline in the population of Philippine cockatoo. In addition, aside from the so-called "buy and sell" practices lowland deforestation, ruination of its habitat and natural phenomenon like typhoon are considered as secondary hazards.

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